Monday, 8 September 2008

With Rhyme Or Reason

Have you ever had inspiration hit while sleeping? You wake up with the answer to a problem, or an idea or vision. I think it happens because the creative force of our subconscious mind is in the driving seat instead of our logical mind. This happened to me this morning. I was semi awake and then lil Jasmine woke up for a feed. It was about 6.00 am. Once I had settled her I realised I had these words in my head. This has happened to me before. Sometimes I act on the inspiration, although sadly there have been other times when I have gone back to sleep and the idea has evaporated.

Well this morning I paid attention and got up to write the words down. The subject is one that has been on my mind lately. Loss, dying and impermanence affect us all eventually. While losing people in our life is always difficult, there are times when it seems tragically unjust. All I can do is trust that there is some Divine plan behind it all that takes people, seemingly before their time. How important it is to show those we love how much they mean to us, when we can, for none of us know when our or their time will come to leave this sphere of existence.

These are the words that came to me this morning:

In the Sound

My voice will still speak out to you
In the sound of the rustling of the leaves
Please know that I am happy now
Even now while everybody grieves

I know that you feel guilty, angry and sad
For my passing, for my loss
I did not intend to leave you, but
It was my time to move across

My voice will still call out to you
In the sound of the waves upon the seas
It is my wish that that you remember me
Not as I passed, but as I was, I ask you please

My eyes still look out at you from
The photos that mark our love
Please trust these same eyes
Now watch over you, from above

My voice will still comfort you
In the sound carried on the breeze
Although I can not touch you
I still hold you, to comfort and to ease

Letting go is hard to do, but
Know that it’s each hearts goal
To learn that nothing lasts forever
Except love and our eternal soul

My voice will still guide you
In the sound and colours of your dreams
In the fabric of your inner life
I am part of the thread that holds the seams

Remember me and speak to me,
For I am always here,
Even though now I am gone
Just know, that I am always near

My voice will still laugh with you
In the sound of birds flying overhead
I may not walk among you
But know that my spirit is not dead

Life has its changing seasons and
We all must leave this place
When our time has come
There are no exceptions in this case

My voice will still converse with you
In the sound of the stillness of your mind
I have no pain; I feel only peace and joy
I’ve come home to the love we all must find

Just know that when it is your turn
We’ll embrace; I will be waiting here for you
In this place of light & beauty
The place you’ll remember you always knew

My voice will still be there for you
In the sound of the beating of your heart
While your memories hold me
We are together, never apart